Monday, March 1, 2010

5 Things You Can Do Today To Jump Higher

1.) Drink as much water as possible. Drinking a lot of water keeps your metabolism going and helps you avoid unnessscesary calories from sugary drinks that will only slow you down. Water will help you avoid quick fatigue when jumping.
2.) Eat your weight in protein every day. In order to keep your body in an anabolic muscle building state, you need to be eating one gram of protein for every pound you weigh. Some of the best sources of high quality protein are egg whites, grilled chicken, lean meats, and protein shakes.
3.) Walk around on your toes. The calf plays a key role in ones ability to really explode off the ground. Get used to loading your calves with weight by walking around on your toes and you wil notices how difficult and exhausting this is.
4.) Activate your glutes. If you are spending your day walking without utilizing your glutes, you are not getting much out of it. Before you do anything in the morning do 10 glute bridges to really get some blood flow into your glutes.
5.) Set a goal. If you do not know where you want to be, you wont get there. Set a goal in the improvements you want to make and it will be a lot easier to acheive success.

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